Lorenzo Thomas wrote his “Two One-Act Plays” in 1964, the same year that witnessed the explosive Cherry Lane Theater production of Baraka’s Dutchman. Baraka, then still known as LeRoi Jones, had been in a playwright’s workshop with Edward Albee, whose Zoo Story had been produced in America just four years earlier on a bill with […]
Dating from the late sixties, Hannah Weiner’s Code Poems are widely recognized as among the earliest attempts to explore poetry as code and code as poetry (an interest she shared with Jackson MacLow, though apparently neither was aware of the other’s experiments at the time). Weiner’s book uses the International Code of Signals for the […]
On June 3, 1956, Robert Duncan, nearly six weeks into his teaching stint at Black Mountain College during its final year of academic operation, wrote to Denise Levertov that in the month that had intervened between his previous letter to her “I have written or finishd writing ‘The Origins of Old Son’ which has some […]