An Invitation to Disorder, i.e. an interview with Jean-Marie Gleize, author of Tarnac, a preparatory act, now up at the Bomb Magazine site. It seems to me that all artistic practice implies a form of retreat—a chosen and provisional solitude, a necessary distance for a right vision of things, to establish the conditions that might […]
Rodney Koeneke and Trisha Low reading at Sector 2337 2337 N Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Saturday November 8, 2014, 7:00 PM Rodney Koeneke’s Etruria is just out from Wave Books. Earlier collections include Musee Mechanique (BlazeVOX, 2006) and Rouge State (Pavement Saw, 2003). Recent work can be found in The Brooklyn Rail, Fence, Granta, Gulf Coast, […]
Naropa is hosting the Dis_embodied Poetics Conference, “Writing, Thinking, Being” this October 10-12, with an outstanding roster including Amber DiPietra and Denise Leto, authors of Waveform. Says the conference website: [DIS]EMBODIED POETICS is a 3-day biennial conference that explores intersections between innovative forms of creative and critical writing that are experientially rooted in contemplative practice. […]