Between December 2nd and December 5th Green Lantern Press and Kenning Editions–with support from Poets and Writers–will present a Festival of Poets Theater. The festival features 3-4 events each evening beginning at 7pm and a symposium on Saturday afternoon beginning at 2:30pm. All events are free. Sector 2337 is the venue, located at 2337 N. […]
In Ring 0, writer and filmmaker Daniel Spangler describes an uncontrollable freefall into, and between, layers of code & complexity, during an ill-fated attempt to grasp the elusive opus of a rogue computer programmer from Las Vegas. Touching on themes of heretical code, mental illness, open-source software, algorithmized entropy, praise art, minimalism, God, and the […]
Patrick Durgin, author of PQRS (also the Singles and Daughter), will read with Lyn Hejinian and others as part of the celebration of Gertrude Stein’s famed visit to Chicago in 1934, “An Adventure Was Home.” The event is free and takes place at the Poetry Foundation in downtown Chicago, Wednesday, November 11, 7:00 PM. Click […]