Kenning Editions authors and translators are helping readers everywhere tune into local initiatives by recommending social justice organizations who could use our support. This summer, when you purchase their book(s) through, the press will donate %25 of the sale price to their chosen organization. Joshua Clover recommends Bay Area Anti- Repression Committee Bail Fund. Clover co-translated […]
In the new performance issue of Tripwire you will find a tribute to Kevin Killian, focusing on his poets theater work. You can read the special section here and order a copy of the magazine here. Please do both! Kevin Killian’s selected plays were published by Kenning Editions as Stage Fright. He co-edited the mighty […]
On June 6, Kenning Editions broadcast a remote reading featuring Ana Arzoumanian with Gabriel Amor, Craig Dworkin, Alec Schumacher reading Elvira Hernández, Brian Kim Stefans reading Arthur Rimbaud, and Steven Zultanski. You can watch it here, archived for posterity. Also on our Vimeo page are videos of readings from Audre Lorde: Dream of Europe and remnants […]
If you are able to contribute to the present uprising inspired by the murders of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police Department, Breonna Taylor by the Louisville Police Department, and Tony McDade by the Tallahassee Police Department, here is a list of community bail funds for each state. Meanwhile, all proceeds from Kenning Editions subscriptions through […]