Category: Kenning Editions
Hey, I found a bunch of books, some of them already out of print, all of them already out of circulation, and I want you to have them. If you buy them, that helps me cover costs. I slashed the price in half. They are: Gossip Girl Fanfic Novella by Charlie Markbreiter, título / title by […]
Miyó Vestrini, « la Sylvia Plath vénézuélienne ». Pour célébrer la sortie de l’anthologie Grenade dans la bouche, traduite en langue française par Clara Briceño Zappacosta, publié par le formidable extrême contemporain, une lecture à l’EXC Librairie, Passage Molière, 75003 Paris. 19h le samedi 29 juin. Avec Patrick Durgin (traducteur de French Unpublished Poems & Facsimile, […]
Small Press Distribution is gone. It’s unclear what comes next. But despite the very shaky last several years at the sole non-profit book distributor, it’s worth recognizing two things. First, SPD did more than most folks seem to appreciate just to make nonconforming literature accessible to those who lack ready access to a writing/reading community […]
Glimmerings and Constellations: Creative and Critical Responses Selected Plays of Jay Wright, Volume Three / edited by Will Daddario The lauded poet Jay Wright is known for weaving global cosmologies into taut, rhythmically dynamic verses that double as poetic and philosophical treatises. Having recently published two volumes of his selected plays, composed over several decades, in this volume, nine leading […]
Now available as a free download is Mark Nowak’s abecederian prose poem WINTER, documenting the attack at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Read more and download the chapbook here. And tune in this evening for a reading and conversation between Nowak and Bill Ayers, presented by the formidable Pilsen Community Books. This is a […]
Coming soon from Kenning Editions is WINTER, by Mark Nowak, who launches this free, digital chapbook with in-person and virtual events. Get these in your calendar! Saturday, January 6, Pilsen Community Books hosts a virtual reading and discussion with Nowak and Bill Ayers: read more here. Friday, January 12, at the Flow Chart Foundation in […]
Gabriel Kruis on Zeroes Were Hollow, David Larsen’s second (bigger) book of poetry, culled from this thoughtful review via The Poetry Project Newsletter. [A] love of error and good trouble, of troubling received logic, of indulgence in “imperfection,” marks every inch of Zeroes Were Hollow. Take, for instance, the handwritten poem in various colored inks on the […]
Music Instead of Emotion: A Rail reading by David Larsen and Tenaya Nasser-Frederick Register here. And pick up Zeroes Were Hollow and Syrup Hits (a few remain!). David Larsen is a US poet and translator, and the author of Zeroes Were Hollow (Kenning Editions, 2022). His open notebook of unpublished translations is viewable online. Currently, he is a […]
Every in print paperback book ever published by Kenning Editions is half off here at this week, August 14 through 19. Stock up. These are built to be read and cherished. And heaven knows you do not have them all, yet. Domestic shipping is free. International shipping is reasonable.
Bomb has published a short conversation between two of our favorite contemporary writers: Charlie Markbreiter and Ben Fama. Charlie’s Gossip Girl Fanfic Novella can be had here.
“I want poetry to be detonated like a bomb!” Read why, and how, right here.
Full-Stop is featuring a two part interview with poet, translator, visual artist, and scholar David Larsen, author of Zeroes Were Hollow and Syrup Hits. I am afraid of lots of things, but not the Light Bringer.