
Sector 2337

In Association with Green Lantern Press and Kenning Editions Present:

The Third Annual Festival of Poets Theater

Curated by Devin King and Patrick Durgin

December 8th – December 10th, 2017

This year the festival is separated into two main sections: 1) artists in response to the visionary work of the Ivory Coast writer Werewere Liking and 2) artists using online media formats. This event is free and open to the public.

“How does Poets Theater integrate the usually solitary research practice of the poet into the ecstatically open site of the theater? How does performance ‘do’ poetry, and how does it replicate poetry’s gestural openness? And what are the outer reaches of these theatrical gestures; how does Poets Theater fold into dance, painting, sculpture, music, and even back into poetry?”

Friday, December 8th, Sector 2337, 7-10pm


Performances by

Sherae Rimpsey and Josh Hoglund + Corina Copp

Exhibit by

Matthew Sage and Jen Hill


Saturday, December 9th, 7-10pm


Performances by

Max Guy and Dao Nguyen

Exhibit by

Matthew Sage and Jen Hill



Sunday, December 10th, All Day, beginning at Noon


Streaming Media and Performances by

Steve Benson + Suzanne Stein, Douglas Kearney, Annie Dorsen, Antonin Artaud and

radio play directed by Patrick Durgin and produced by Mark Booth by Alain Jugnon

(translated by Nathanaël)


About the curators

Patrick Durgin is the author of PQRS (Kenning Editions, 2013) and The Route (with Jen Hofer, Atelos, 2008). His artist book Zenith was published by Green Lantern Press in the spring of 2016.The Volta published “Prelude to PQRS,” a reflection on his work in poets theater originally presented at the New [New] Corpse event series. His performance piece Interference was featured in the 2015 Festival of Poets Theater. He is currently writing two books: a critical biography of Jackson Mac Low and Hannah Weiner and a collection of poetry. He edits the non-fiction series Ordinance for Kenning Editions, an independent press he founded in 1998. He teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Devin King is the co-director of Sector 2337 and the poetry editor for the Green Lantern Press. He teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.


About Sector 2337

Sector 2337 is a storefront gallery and bookstore at 2337 N Milwaukee Avenue. Functioning as Head Quarters for The Green Lantern Press, Sector 2337 hosts three exhibitions a year, maintains a vibrant schedule of public programs, as well as a niche on-line bookstore and an in-store bookshelf specializing in contemporary art, poetry, theory, and independent press titles. By marrying these threads — contemporary exhibitions, readings, performances, poetry, and printed matter — Sector 2337 continues the spirit of The Green Lantern Press, making community, culture, and discourse easily accessible to Chicago.


Further details at the festival website. Meanwhile, see The Kenning Anthology of Poets Theater.




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