Kenning Editions is proud to announce the publication of Dolores Dorantes’ Style in a bilingual edition–English translation by Jen Hofer.
Dolores Dorantes’s Style is a prose book in which a plural feminine voice narrates the vicissitudes of a war designed to suppress that voice. A voice that represents the war on the Mexico-U.S. border? Guerrilla adolescents taking their revenge? Enslaved girls who appear in order to combat a macho presidential figure linked to our current-day Central America? Latin America advancing on a fascist-capitalist government? These are some of the questions that might arise from Style. The book was written in 2011, in some dark place in Texas, during the first three months Dorantes was awaiting political asylum.
There’s a social emergency and a new poetic form in Dolores Dorantes’ work. Style/Estilo records these reports, this breathing. For many years, Jen Hofer has been re-producing and reflecting on her translational re-production of Dorantes’ lyric turbulence. There are two countries and there are two languages in this book. There are two books in this book.–Heriberto Yépez
Dolores Dorantes is the author of Dolores Dorantes, a collection of four books written in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, two of which were co-published in 2008 by Kenning Editions and Counterpath Press, translated into English by Jen Hofer. In 2015, Ugly Duckling Presse published her collaboration with Rodrigo Flores Sánchez, Intervenir/Intervene, also translated by Jen Hofer. Hofer’s other translations include Ivory Black, a translation of Negro marfil by Myriam Moscona (Les Figues Press 2011, winner of translation prizes from the Academy of American Poets and PEN) and lip wolf, a translation of Laura Solórzano’s lobo de labio (Action Books, 2007).
Style is available through April for the discounted price of $12.00 when you order directly from the press.