Chicago is fortunate to receive visiting authors Trisha Low and Rodney Koeneke, this coming weekend at its best, new gallery and event space, Sector 2337.
Rodney Koeneke and Trisha Low reading at Sector 2337
2337 N Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Saturday November 8, 2014, 7:00 PM
Rodney Koeneke’s Etruria is just out from Wave Books. Earlier collections include Musee Mechanique (BlazeVOX, 2006) and Rouge State (Pavement Saw, 2003). Recent work can be found in The Brooklyn Rail, Fence, Granta, Gulf Coast, The Nation, and at Harriet, where he was August’s Featured Writer. A longtime resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, he currently lives in Portland, Oregon, where he teaches British and World History.
Trisha Low is committed to wearing a shock collar because she has so many feelings. She is the author of The Compleat Purge (Kenning Editions, 2013). Remote controls are available at Gauss PDF, Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing, Troll Thread and others. She lives in New York City.
Sector 2337 is a storefront gallery and bookstore at 2337 N Milwaukee Avenue. Functioning as Head Quarters for the Green Lantern Press, Sector 2337 will host three exhibitions a year, maintain a vibrant schedule of public programs, as well as a niche on-line bookstore and an in-store bookshelf specializing in contemporary art, poetry, theory, and independent press titles. By marrying these threads — contemporary exhibitions, readings, performances, poetry, and printed matter — we continue the spirit of The Green Lantern Gallery and Press, making community, culture, and discourse easily accessible to Chicago.
Admission is free and the venue is ADA accessible. This event is sponsored by Kenning Editions with support from Poets & Writers, Inc.