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A Theory in Tears (ANNOTATIONS & CASES FOR FREEDOM & PROSTITUTION) uses voices of authority, victimization, punishment, and violent desire to complicate the reader’s relationship to narrative truth claims proffered by the institutional sites complicit in delivering “justice,” such as the courtroom or the prison. By reconstructing notions of guilt around the appearance of tears, it becomes a sign elucidating marks of pain or (un)freedom when performed by the victim and the criminal in a circuit of retribution. Focusing on issues of gendered violence, rape, and sexual assault, A Theory in Tears seeks to discover different forms for addressing harm while releasing those who are named by it.
Cassandra Troyan is a writer, organizer, and pétroleuse whose work uses a Marxist-feminist lens to demarcate space for interventions in the spheres of theory, politics, and culture. They are the author of THRONE OF BLOOD (Solar Luxuriance 2013), BLACKEN ME BLACKEN ME, GROWLED (Tiny Hardcore Press 2014), KILL MANUAL (Artifice Books 2014) and HATRED OF WOMEN (Solar Luxuriance 2014). They are currently writing a book with Maya Andrea Gonzalez researching the intersections of sex work, money, state violence and the anti-trafficking movement under the purview of “Conscious Capitalist” ideology. They live (mostly) in Oakland.
Ordinance, a critical series, issues nonfiction writing in the areas of contemporary poetics, philosophy, politics, and technology. Ordinance as in coordination, ordinal points, and incendiary potential with greater stamina than yesterday’s feed. Each chapbook in the series is handmade, perfect bound, and portable. The Ordinance series is available by subscription ($35.00 for all) and Individual titles may be purchased ($7.00). The series will be complete by the end of 2016, with ten titles in all.
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