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ALMOST NEVER. SOMETIMES. OFTEN. ALWAYS is a collection of short stories about self-management blues, digital dementia, forgotten knowledge and technocratic language. If one becomes what one does, what becomes of sanity amidst the identity crises of precarious labor? In the daily challenge of self-optimization and flexibility, does the score-like-hypnotic-code-inner-voice-mantra of self-affirmation become a cure or rather a tiresome pattern to get rid of? Is the self writing itself or does it need a voice to repeat, pause, repeat and take over?
Margit Säde is an independent curator and artist based in Tallinn and Zurich. Her recent projects include DOings & kNOTs at Tallinn Art Hall, SOURCE AMNESIA (Oslo10, Basel) While Walking on the Secret Paths but also While Walking on Salads, And So On & So Forth ( CAME, Tallinn & kim?, Riga), If It’s Half Broke, Part Fix It (CAC, Vilnius) and listening sessions A Selfless Self in the Nightless Night; Disembodied Voices & Imaginary Friends (BAR, Barcelona & Corner College, Zurich); and Hear Me With Your Eyes (Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam).
Ordinance, a critical series, issues nonfiction writing in the areas of contemporary poetics, philosophy, politics, and technology. Ordinance as in coordination, ordinal points, and incendiary potential with greater stamina than yesterday’s feed. Each chapbook in the series is handmade, perfect bound, and portable. The Ordinance series is available by subscription ($35.00 for all) and Individual titles may be purchased ($7.00). The series will be complete by the end of 2016, with ten titles in all.