
BY Patrick Durgin

Top Coat Land Grab
Cloud Machine Color Music process imageForget GadgetRemorse Ensign detailSwank Inhibitor process imageTop Coat Land Grab

Not available for purchase.

Singles (2014) is a series of 3-D acrylic prints with the dimensions of 45 RPM vinyl records, housed in glossy, transparent plastic sleeves. The faux labels feature minimalist couplets printed in reflective opposition. The language lends volume to font and type cases that cite the golden era of Jamaican dub music. The language intrudes or extrudes from the queasy greenish-white “vinyl” itself, and the grooves are replaced by a single, sunken band. An unlimited edition in a series of five, Singles negotiates print culture as skeuomorphic nostalgia for environmental detritus, with the caveat that intellect and sentiment serve as bordering ecosystems for the grand archive that is “the” environment. It is also a critique of contemporary artisanal capitalism.

Each piece is $100. You may order multiple copies of the single or multiple singles by specifying the title(s) in the “ORDER NOTES” field when you checkout, using the total number of pieces to set the quantity ordered. To order a complete set of five, specify “complete set” in your note, and set the quantity to 5. You will receive a signed copy of the limited edition Daughter when you order the complete set.

An unlimited edition, no ISBN. Prints are made when you order; allow two weeks for delivery, four weeks for international shipping.

“A book may be the accidental container of a text, the structure of which is irrelevant to the book: these are the books of bookshops and libraries. A book can also exist as an autonomous and self-sufficient form, including perhaps a text that emphasizes that form, a text that is an organic part of that form: here begins the new art of making books.” (Ulises Carrión, “The New Art of Making Books” 1975)

More on Singles via Jacket2.

Patrick Durgin is the author of several books, including PQRS and the artist book Zenith (Green Lantern Press). See his remarks on Singles via his series of commentaries for Jacket2. Durgin is also editor of Hannah Weiner’s Open House and The Early and Clairvoyant Journals of Hannah Weiner. He teaches critical theory, literature, and writing at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Patrick Durgin @ Pennsound and @ EPC

Singles was realized with Milad Mozari

Photos by Eric Troolin