Warscapes, the international journal of political and cultural criticism, is running a preview of Jean-Marie Gleize’s Tarnac, which is introduced with new remarks by the author. Read more here. I claim for this book a place in a tradition of writing that of a certain objectivisme. There is, in these pages and the horizon of […]
Just when you thought April was the cruelest month, Emily beats you to it by making The Compleat Purge the Emily Books feature title for March. Ebook likers like this.
Patrick Durgin’s poetics statement, belated prefatory matter, pacifist treatise, etc. is featured in the new issue of The Volta: “Prelude to PQRS”–which happens to quote extensively from the book. Also in this issue of The Volta is a review of Jesse Seldess’ Left Having. Seems like a fitting occasion to offer both at a discount […]