Subscribe to Kenning Editions and receive all books in our 2018-2019 season, including Ana Arzoumanian’s Juana I, Soleida Ríos’ The Dirty Text, Selected poems by Miyó Vestrini, and Kevin Killian’s Stage Fright: Selected Plays. Here is the link. It’s easy and it eases the way for important new and archival publications like these. Onward to a radically different, new […]
In December, 2017, the Third Annual Festival of Poets Theater took place. One feature of the festival was a set of works that lived a full week (12/10-17) online, in the post below, which we edit here for posterity. I’ve always thought poets theater was a genre derived after the lyric had disentangled poetry from […]
The third annual Festival of Poets Theater’s online offerings are live at for one week. Stay tuned for the debut of Alain Jugnon’s ARTAUD IN AMERIKA this xmas eve, also at Artist bios are here. Unscripted, unrehearsed, and unedited, NOW is a three-part improvisational work created for the Third Annual Festival of Poets Theater by Suzanne Stein […]