Category: Kenning Editions
I’ve wanted to have a stoop sale, but it’s never seemed feasible. So I’m just running another mailorder discount blitz, this time featuring a batch of books by Latin-American women, in translation (all but one including the original Spanish en face). These books are half off now through the 9th: The Chilean Flag The Dirty […]
For no good reason, other than they are great, we’re offering all three books by Jesse Seldess and Devin King on sale for half price this week. Here’s a good reason, actually. Two of my favorite aspects of their poems are repetition and narrative. And, well, those are two incongruent aspects of poetry that each […]
It’s May Day. Celebrate with a big long narrative poem called Gathering. It’s Devin King’s continuing saga, and this installment begins at a dinner party in Chicago and ends in a utopia populated by storytelling ants. In between is a choral künstlerroman, a series of intertwined, poetic monologues that explore how the single narrator of existential […]
P&T Knitwear is pleased to welcome Charlie Markbreiter to celebrate his first book, Gossip Girl Fanfic Novella, with a talk, audience Q&A, and book signing. Interlaced with essays on transsexuality, clones, dissociating, American Apparel, and affect theorist Lauren Berlant, Gossip Girl Fanfic Novella is a parasocial eulogy for the aughts. “It’s some kind of auto(fan)fiction” that “uses the conventions of fanfiction as […]
Trisha Low has won a Creative Capital grant for her current project, entitled Fated. Low’s The Compleat Purge was published by Kenning Editions in 2013. It’s a period piece. You should read it.
The Times Literary Supplement has published Alexandra Reza’s gleaming discussion of Nathalie Quintane’s work, with a focus on Tomatoes and Marty Hiatt’s heroic work translating and contextualizing that book. Read the piece here.
We are pleased as punch to announce the publication of David Larsen’s second book of poetry, Zeroes Were Hollow, along with a limited, facsimile edition of his 2005 chapbook Syrup Hits. There is a tradition of cerebral scholar-poets in which David Larsen is hard to place. As a translator, he performs sensitive work that preserves […]
Another in our collaborations with Letra Muerta, Hanni Ossott’s unpublished, early poems, written in Greece, is volume two in the Latin American and Caribbean Women in Poetry series. A strictly limited edition, now available here Born February 14, 1946 in Caracas, Hanni Ossott studied at and joined the faculty in Literature of the Universidad Central de […]
Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 8:00 pm at the Poetry Project, David Larsen reads with Will Alexander! Larsen’s Zeroes Were Hollow + a reprint of Syrup Hits are both coming out the middle of December. You can snag a copy of each at the reading. If you cannot attend in person, know that it will live […]
Book Launch: Staged Reading and Music Saturday, November 12, 4 pm Corbett vs. Dempsey Gallery 2156 West Fulton St., Chicago, IL Please join Every house has a door for a staged reading of the first ten pages of the play Passage from Selected Plays of Jay Wright Volume I: The Dramatic Radiance of Number, directed by Lin Hixson, featuring performers Sebastián […]
Today is the day Charlie Markbreiter’s Gossip Girl Fanfic Novella is published. You should be able to visit your local bookseller and acquire your very own copy. If it’s not in stock, perturb said local, independent bookseller. You can also search for the ebook on your favorite platform (ISBN 979-8-9856628-0-1 9.99 suggested retail price). The print […]
Figurations and Dedications Selected Plays of Jay Wright, Volume 2 Co-published with Every house has a door ISBN: 978-1-7343176-9-5 / Library of Congress Control Number: 2021950378 / 464 pp. / $20.00 Order your copy here or through Small Press Distribution. Jay Wright is a poet’s poet; identified by poet Dante Micheaux as one of the best American poets—because […]