
BY Amber DiPietra and Denise Leto

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ISBN: 9780976736493 (2011)

Poetry. Literary Nonfiction. Disability Studies. Somatics. WAVEFORM documents an aqueous, stop-start conversation between two women poets with disabilities. The idea of suspension—being held back, held over, or held by larger bodies, especially water—serves as pivot point for a manuscript that begins with the problem of rising from bed in the morning, of gravity and the ankle, of making muscles that control speech contract and release. Quotidian rituals like listing provide structure while large marine creatures open this epistolary work to a kind of chronic floating.

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Kristen Stone, Limn:

The language is dreamy, hypnotic, best read aloud while trying to find the most comfortable position and not forgetting you have/are a body. A beautiful, difficult book that mimics the experience of writing itself.

Neil Marcus, Wordgathering:

Waveform is a book that, in that tired phrase, truly has to be read to be appreciated. It is not for those who seek escape in reading, but its deft translations of arthritic pain and dystonia into words and its ingenious attempt to reconcile post-modern, avant-garde poetics with disability identity reward the effort put into reading.